
Cinema Program Award 2022 for the Cinema at Hackesche Höfe

Child watches a film spellbound
Child watches a film spellbound

Das Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg zeichnet das Kino für seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz für anspruchsvolle Filme aus. Betreiber Gerhard Groß führt die Ukraine-Aktion des Kinos weiter.

High praise for the Hackesche Höfe Kino. The art house cinema in the heart of Berlin has been awarded the Cinema Program Prize 2022. Hackesche Höfe Kino will receive 40,000 euros, with another 10,000 going to the associated open-air cinema Hasenheide. 

The prize is awarded by the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg to outstanding cinema makers who preserve the unique "diversity of cinema" in the capital region. A total of 1.5 million euros was available to reward 68 art house cinemas for demonstrating stamina, commitment and creativity in the difficult past year.

Praise for ambitious cinema

"We are very happy about this award," says Gerhard Groß, who runs the cinema in Hackesche Höfe with Ulrike Spann. "We have been consistently presenting sophisticated cinema for 26 years and have remained true to our concept for so many years." Gerhard Groß sees the approach to show sophisticated films at Rosenthaler Straße 40/41 as curated cinema; predominantly European cinema, with the addition of offbeat productions from other continents. Documentaries, thematic series and festivals also characterize the program.

Seating in the cinema auditorium
Seating in the cinema auditorium

A dedicated children's program - and a campaign for refugees from Ukraine

Since fall 2021, Hackesche Höfe Kino has again been offering a children's program. "I think it's important to introduce children to good films at an early age. This way, the children learn that there is another kind of cinema, a bit smaller and more normal than the world in the multiplex cinemas.” 

Currently, the children's program for Ukrainian refugees is causing quite a stir: In the early afternoons, children and their families can watch a children's film in Ukrainian – and feel transported back to their homeland for a brief moment. By early June 2022, 2,500 children have taken advantage of this program, which is to be continued.

Flyer for open-air cinema Hasenheide
Flyer for open-air cinema Hasenheide

Award for the open-air cinema Hasenheide as well

Since 2001, the open-air cinema Hasenheide in the eponymous Volkspark in Neukölln has been operated by Hackesche Höfe Kino. The outdoor stage from the late 1950s seats 900 people. The best films of the past season and classics are shown here, mostly in the original version with German subtitles. 

With the prize money, Hackesche Höfe Kino first wants to pay bills. "In the past two years, we have invested a lot in new technology and renovated extensively," says Gerhard Groß. Now, also due to the pandemic months, the reserves are largely eaten up.

Children watch film outdoors
Children watch film outdoors

Anyone who would like to support the cinema's great Ukraine campaign can do so by making a donation to the account at Berliner Volksbank: 

Company timebandits GmbH & Co. Kinobetriebs KG 
IBAN: DE51 1009 0000 7478 5540 06