Unusual ideas unusually showcased: promobo displays the products of many small manufacturers to a broad customer base in Berlin

Young designers, artists and creatives
promobo is a retail concept for artisans, designers, artists and start-ups with an unconventional range of products or services. In the Hackesche Höfe, promobo offers small producers the chance to display their wares to a broad clientele in a prominent business location. The articles are placed on show in little wooden promotion boxes.
Fashion, accessories, jewellery and furniture by distinctive designers can be admired here alongside many other trends and product innovations. promobo was founded in 2004 by a husband-and-wife team, the German entrepreneurs Mareike & Sascha Fourman. Mareike’s background is in psychology and Sascha’s in IT. The current concept, launched in 2008, enables young designers, artists, creatives and artisans to hire boxes in stylish retail settings. promobo arrived at the Hackesche Höfe in 2010.

A guest at promobo
Eva Lamprou about the promobo shop at the Hackesche Höfe