Berlin has a revelation in store for trippen fans with this wide selection of expressive shoes, boots and sandals

From Berlin to the world
trippen make shoes that defy the rules of the mass market or would be too expensive if they had to be produced individually. trippen’s mission is to encourage clean processes, long service life and beautiful shoes. With innovative cuts extravagant soles and unusual silhouettes, the product has built a base across the world, challenging the transience of fashion with models made to last. The designs are not replaced every season, but stay in the collection, gradually acquiring classic status and becoming true favourites. That means real sustainability.
tripped brand was created by shoemaker Michael Oehler and designer Angela Spieth. They started out in 1992 with their emblematic wooden soles. After they displayed their first 60 models in a Berlin gallery, things suddenly took off: fashion shows, TV programmes and stage plays followed. The trippen showroom and shop in Berlin opened in 1995, one of the first in a long chain of shops around the globe. But one thing has never changed: the shoes are still made by hand in Berlin at a little manufactory in the north of the city.

A guest at trippen
Arne von Trippen on the brand and the shop in Hackesche Höfe